I'm having some technical difficulty with the blog. I had to delete all the old pictures out of the storage in order to make room to download new pictures. I checked on the blog before I did this and the old pictures were still there for me, but for other people they are gone. So unfortunately as of right now on all the old posts the pictures are gone. I am terrible with computers and technology so maybe when Russ has time he can help me get some of the pictures back. What a mess. At least I got the pictures for this post back up. Sorry. :(
Funny Korean signs-Part 2:
This blog is a family affair. I may be the one that writes all the posts, but it is Russ and the girls that patiently wait while I take a million pictures, pose for all the pictures and help me keep an eye out for fun things to post on here. Therefore, I wasn't really surprised when Taylor very excitedly came running up to me one day after going to the bathroom and told me that she had the perfect sign for me to take a picture of to post on the blog.
So, based on this picture they have a team of people that travel around and check out the toilets in Seoul and pick out the best ones. Congrats to this store for having the best toilet in 2004. After receiving an honor this high what does a toilet strive for next? It seems like it's career is down the crapper from here. :)
This past weekend Russ and I attended the Marine Corps Embassy Ball. Russ had to go as a part of his job, but he asked if I wanted to go along with him. The tickets for the ball can be a little bit pricey and so we weren't sure if my going was a good decision or not...until I found the most perfect pair of shoes on clearance to wear with the black ball gown I already owned. After finding the shoes there was no question in my mind. I was going to the ball.
This ball was much smaller then the ball we went to a couple of weeks ago, around 200 people this time. And because it was the embassy ball (there are only 8 Marines that work in the embassy) it was mostly civilians and people from other military services. In fact, they had all the present and former Marines stand up and total there was only about 30 people out of the 200 that stood up. This ball was much more relaxed for Russ working wise as well. He had a few minor tasks to see to then he was free to relax and have a good time.
First and most importantly a few pictures of the shoes. I mean, they are the reason I attended the ball.
Aren't they just fabulous? And the best part-I got them on clearance!!
We didn't take as many pictures this time because we didn't know very many people at the ball and since I went through the ceremony in depth on the last blog post I will just post a few pictures that we took that evening.
This is a picture of General Regner's wife, Mary. She is a wonderful lady and Marine wife whom I greatly respect. |
A random Marine and I in front of the ice sculpture. |
At dinner- We didn't really know anyone at our table and they were all
speaking different languages (one couple was speaking Chinese and the
other people were speaking Korean) since we don't speak either of those
languages we just took pictures of ourselves. |
The guest of honor at this ball was the US Ambassador to Korea, Mr. Kim and his wife. We took a few pictures with him, but because it was during the dancing it was very dark in the room and the pictures didn't come out to well.
Mr. and Mrs. Kim and General and Mrs. Regner. |
This was a pretty good picture of us with General and Mrs. Regner. They are old enough to be our parents. |
We did know and meet a couple people at the ball.
We met this girl for the first time at the ball. Her date was
dancing and she didn't know anyone else so we spent a while talking with
her. Her English was very good and she is a chef locally in Seoul.
She offered to come over to cook Korean food for us. As you know we
love Korean food so I will definitely be taking her up on that offer. |
This last picture was my favorite of the evening. It was a picture to once again show off my fabulous shoes. We had a great time together that night.
Those are definitely FABULOUS shoes...and on clearance!!! You wear them well, Amy!