Both girls played soccer this fall. Taylor played on Team Blaze and Lucy was on Team Chargers. They both had a fun season and it was exciting to watch their skills improve from the beginning to the end of the season.
Taylor prefers to play defense because she likes to kick the ball as hard as she can.
Taylor in her team uniform. |
Funky socks are really popular here. They each had fun socks to wear
with their uniforms. Taylor thought these socks looked scary. She was
hoping they would scare the other team. |
Here are a couple actions shots of her.
One evening she was playing offense and scored her first goal ever. It was by far the highlight of her season. I didn't get a picture of her actually scoring the goal, but this is a shot of her running towards to ball to shoot it.
This is a picture of Taylor and her best friend. She played her friend's team the night she scored her goal. She had a great time playing against her friend.
Because Lucy has a much shorter attention span she likes to play offense better than defense. The one time she played defense I had to yell at her to quit picking up the dirt off the field and throwing it.
She was excited her socks matched her uniform. |
Here are a couple action shots of her playing.
No matter what is happening on the field she will always stop to get her picture taken. |
It was a great season for the girls and I enjoyed watching them play, but I am SO GLAD the season is over. It has gotten very cold over the last few weeks and I have about frozen sitting outside at the practices and games. Soccer has also taken up a lot of our weekends so we haven't been able to do as many adventures as I would have liked. Hopefully, we can venture out more now that our weekends are free again.
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