Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Snow in Seoul

I was just talking to my parents in Pennsylvania yesterday...they told me there are record breaking highs in that area right now.  They were telling me how beautiful it is in the mid 60's.  Unfortunately, I couldn't relate because as I looked out my window this is what I saw...
We got about 5 inches of snow today.  Since we moved to Seoul from nice, warm and sunny North Carolina we are not at all prepared for the snow or cold weather.  Taylor was sleeping over at a friends house since school was out, but Lucy wanted to go outside and play in the snow.  We put did our best to put the warmest clothing on she owned and she played outside for about an hour.
The coat is great, but the rain boots and jeans not so warm.
We live at the top of a hill here and they did a terrible job of getting the roads on base cleared off, so the mom of Taylor's friend could not get to our house.  We had to walk down the hill to pick her up.

Busy Seoul does not stop for a couple inches of snow.

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