Monday, May 13, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!!

It is the middle of May.  For many families that just means the end of the school year is close, the temperature is warming up and summer activities begin.  For a military family the middle of May means the beginning of a PCS season and the beginning of saying many good-byes.  For those of you not familiar with the military acronyms PCS means Permanent Change of Station or in other simple terms it means moving to a new duty station and saying good-bye to all of your friends.  The main PCS season runs from about the middle of May through the middle of August.  It is always a very bittersweet time.  We have to say "see you later" to many of our friends but we are also looking forward to meeting a whole new group of friends.  This PCS season is especially difficult for me as many of my good friends here in Korea are moving.  I have been very busy these last few weeks doing a lot of "for the last time" activities. 

Out of all the places I have lived I think Seoul has the most beautiful spring.  There are flowering bushes and trees everywhere.  They even plant flowers in huge pots and put them all along the sidewalks.  As you walk around the sidewalks there are flowers everywhere and it is often easy to forget we are in the middle of a huge city.

I don't usually take a lot pictures of flowers but I have taken a bunch recently.
Once a week I lead a group of ladies on a hike up a small mountain behind our house.  Over the last few weeks the paths we hike have become filled with flowers on either side.  It doesn't make the hike any easier, but it does make it more enjoyable.
This bush is on Russ' walk home from work.  He told me he thinks it is God's beautiful gift to him after a stressful day.
There are flower beds in all the parks and they are beautifully maintained.
Even if there aren't any flowering bushes or trees near by they have placed these massive flower pots all along the sidewalk and fill them with flowers.

The girls and I visited a cherry blossom festival with a friend of mine one day when they had off from school.  I have been to the cherry blossoms in DC and have to say this was even more beautiful.  There were flowers everywhere.
In the shape of Korea

My friend and I enjoying our Korean snacks.
The allergies are miserable, but the beautiful flowers make up for all the sneezing and watering eyes.

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